Pay It forward.

Holly from A Life Size Catholic Blog is the hostess for Pay it Forward.
It is a chance to highlight another blogger, blog post or blog.
I found out about it two weeks ago when Laura O shared my blog.
I decided right then, there were lots of blogs that I want to share with people in the blogsphere.
Today I am sharing a blog that is new.
Meet Sue from Not enough Butter.
Sue is another Australian Blogger with 7 children. Her youngest baby, Braith is just 1 year younger than Joseph.
Sue is going to start home schooling soon too.
One of her posts that I has been inspiring for me was her post this week on Organising Clothes storage.
She posts cute photos regularly and I am always uplifted whenever I go and visit her blog. I always know that I will find a post that will make me smile.
Go over and say hello to Sue. Tell her that I sent you.
Don't forget to pay a visit to Holly too from A life Size Catholic Blog.