White Heather Tea Room
White Heather Tea Room
1885 Oak Bay Avenue.
**** coffee
While looking through some old picture files, i found these drawings. The White Heather Tea Room is just down the street from where I live, and these have to be the very first drawings I did of this kind. I still wasn't brave enough to try and draw people, so i stuck with 'things'.
Although its a tearoom, they do serve a decent cup of coffee, but that's not why I go there. I go for the absolutely fantastic British style tea dainties. It is even a delight to go for simple tea and scones. Their scones are the best I have ever had - even better than mine. The decor is simple, and doesn't try to be faux Brit 'twee', like the tea rooms that are targetting the tourist trade. It is mostly locals that end up here, and tourists are brought or referred by their friends and relatives.
Their lunches are also fantastic, and reservations for lunch are mandatory, or you won't get in. If you don't have a reservation, the best times to 'drop in' is for late breakfast or brunch, or late afternoon tea, after 2. The goodies come in a three tier serving tray. On the bottom are a selection of scones, which are served with clotted cream and home made raspberry or strawberry jams. The middle tray holds a selection of crust-less party sandwiches, mini quiches and fruit. The top is desserts - lemon cake, tarts, squares and shortbread.
Fresh flowers, white linen and flowery tea cups finish the look. The tearoom was opened by 'Aggie' ten or eleven years ago, and was recently sold, as she has moved on to different career as a freelance concierge for an elderly clientelle.