Holly From A Life Size Catholic Blog is the hostess for Pay It Forward.
For this weeks pay it forward, I want to share my friend Kirsten's blog.
Everyone say hello to my friend Kirsten from Catholic of Thule. Kirsten and I have been online friends for years. We meet at Steve Ray's message board.
I wanted to share her blog with everyone this week because this week I have received in the mail, two new rosaries. One for me and one for Steve.
I actually ordered these for birthday presents for Steve and I to give each other
this year.
The two sets arrived on the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady. There were a few mix ups and I believe God wanted them to arrive on this special feast of our Lady.
My rosary has carnelian stones and Steve's is made of Black Onyx.

Here is the centre piece of Steve's. It is the Divine Mercy.

My centre piece is The Madonna.

This is my crucifix. I thought I took a picture of Steve's crucifix but must have forgotten.
Mine is a Molded filagree crucifix and Steve has a St. Benedict one.
These rosaries will be treasured by both of us for years to come and I hope we pray many decades of the rosary on them.
Please go and visit my friend Kirsten and tell her I sent you. Oh and while you are there, order a set of her wire wrapped gemstone rosaries.