Thanks so much Jennifer from Conversion Diary for hosting 7 Quick Takes each week.
Our week has been busy but fun. Amelia and Tom went to their new primary school and meet their teachers and principal.
We were shown around and I am sure they are both going to be very happy there.
They will be starting on the 29th of August. I should have everything organised by then for them.
Joseph will be starting physio on the 1st of September. We will go and have a play time with the physio and she will video tape him so that she can know what exercises will help him the most.
I have started working with him on his left side and trying to get him to use it more.
Daniel is having lots of fun in Spain. He went to the Holy Land first and is now in Madrid. We have spoken on the phone a couple of times and sent many texts.
Here a video from the Australian opening.
You can see this video and more at the XT3 WYD blog.
Fr Gordon McCrae writes a blog called These Stone walls. It is a blog I have been following for a couple of years.
Fr. Gordon is in prison. He was accused of abusing a minor. I believe the accusations to be false because I have read the case notes.
On Monday the 22nd of August, Esther from A Catholic Mom in Hawaii will be starting a novena for Fr. Gordon's intentions.
I will be joining in too. If you feel led to join in, please let Esther know.
My friend Ellie has loaned me some Zumba video's. I am going to start with the beginners video tomorrow morning. I think my goal next week for Smart Martha will be to do a couple of workouts.
I haven't really been reading blogs I follow each day in my google reader. I looked in there this morning and saw 500+ unread items. I think I will need to maar and move onto starting from scratch again.
I recently tried some Lipton Chai Tea Latte's and now have a new favourite drink.