I did exercises with Joseph every day but I don't think it was twice a day like I am suppose to try and do.
I just did the home school meme.
I kept up with my blogging schedule and read 99% of the blog posts for blogs in my reader. When I was looking at my reader earlier, I only had 30 or so unread.
I missed prayer a few mornings but we did get to mass each day and I got to confession on Saturday.
This week.
I am going to do the meme that Leanne tagged me for a while ago. Sorry I haven't gotten around to doing this yet Leanne. I actually forgot that you tagged me for it. Then I read Vicky's post and remembered that I had been tagged too.
Send out some invitations.
clean out our fridge.
Pray the rosary daily.
I hope you all have a good week.