And I all started innocently enough. Last Christmas, my brother gave Emilia a little wooden coffee maker. It was, without a doubt, her favorite gift. After seeing how much she loved it, I (jokingly, of course) said to my husband, "Maybe I'll build her a coffee shop to go with it." We laughed, because, come on. Do you know how much time that would take?
As it turns out, quite a lot of time. Because I did go ahead and make her a coffee shop. We named it "Millz Coffee" in honor of our beloved Philz (and, well, because Mills is her nickname). And I must confess that I did spend WAY too much time designing a logo for her.
(One note about the photos. We live in a town house. Said town house does not get a lot of natural light. And the coffee shop is in the deepest darkest corner of the house. I did the best I could given the circumstances).

I don't know how to sew, so I faked it with the felt food. Muffins, a sad cupcake, a sad chocolate chip cookie, french macarons, an almond croissant, and 2 chocolate glazed donuts. I think "sewing" all those took longer than the actual building process.

One of my crazier ideas (which I started at 11.00 pm when Emilia was in bed and my husband was out of town) was to make a somewhat working espresso machine. But the cash register I bought. Because making a working cash register? That would be insane.

There was some extra space (and we had a perfectly proportioned box), so I also built a little set of shelves with a mini-fridge in the bottom. And no coffee shop is complete without their own beans.

Salted caramel hot chocolate anyone?

The proud owner will now give a demonstration on making the perfect latte: