Ellie Fun Day (founded/created by my incredibly talented friend Sarah and her husband Elton) designs baby blankets that change the lives of marginalized women in India. Their vision is to design beautiful baby blankets made by Untouchable-caste women, in hopes of providing a fair wage and dignified living for many who are susceptible to human trafficking. Please read more about them and their mission on their website and follow along on their blog (they just returned from a trip to India). They also are raising funds on Indiegogo. Go check in out!
And this week, they are hosting a really amazing giveaway! 

#1 One Ellie Fun Day blanket of your choice (Ellie or Sharkie) Retail $95
#2 Chewbeads: some might argue this is for mommy as well! Retail $29.50
#3 Deep Steep Organic Bubble Bath in Lavendar Retail $10.95
#4 EOS Organic Lip Balm in Sweet Mint Retail $3.29
#5 Emerson Made Silver Dollar Indian Tunic Retail $168.00
Please go to their website to see how to enter!!!