Thankful Thursday
Today I give thanks for Madeline and the blessing she has been to our family for the last 17 years. Happy birthday Madeline. We love you.
It's a Doctor Bag!
For Christmas, we gave Emilia this little wooden doctor set. She's a huge fan of making us lay down on the couch so she can fix us. Her favorite surgery is to work on our feet to get rid of our kidney stones. Naturally.
She also loves bags and boxes and cups and anything that she can put other things in. So of course I figured she might need a doctor bag (to all of my friends who can actually sew, please don't look too carefully at my work. I seriously don't know what I'm doing).

I gave it to her this morning when she woke up. After the giggles and happy dancing stopped, she kept asking me, "How did you get this here?". Then proceeded to take each object out, name it ("ointment. shot."), and put it back in it's place. I think she likes it.

She also loves bags and boxes and cups and anything that she can put other things in. So of course I figured she might need a doctor bag (to all of my friends who can actually sew, please don't look too carefully at my work. I seriously don't know what I'm doing).

I gave it to her this morning when she woke up. After the giggles and happy dancing stopped, she kept asking me, "How did you get this here?". Then proceeded to take each object out, name it ("ointment. shot."), and put it back in it's place. I think she likes it.

Smart Martha Monday.
On my list last week, I had to get more schedules written up and make my morning routine a hard to break habit.
I did write schedules for morning, school day and evening. I only did morning routine on Monday and Tuesday since I wasn't well for the rest of the week.
One thing I was thinking about last week, while I was doing my schedules, is Fly lady's control journal.
Even though I have taken on many of fly ladies recommendations, I have never had a control journal. I really need one for me to get everything done that I need to do.
So on my list this week, I am going to start putting together a control journal. Since I have my daily routines written, I am going to start with each different room and what needs to be done in each one.
I hope you all have a good week.
I did write schedules for morning, school day and evening. I only did morning routine on Monday and Tuesday since I wasn't well for the rest of the week.
One thing I was thinking about last week, while I was doing my schedules, is Fly lady's control journal.
Even though I have taken on many of fly ladies recommendations, I have never had a control journal. I really need one for me to get everything done that I need to do.
So on my list this week, I am going to start putting together a control journal. Since I have my daily routines written, I am going to start with each different room and what needs to be done in each one.
I hope you all have a good week.
Thankful Thursday.
For the last two days, I have had flu symptoms. I didn't sleep that well last night so decided to have a day off today and try and get over it.
My friend Ellie came and picked up Christopher and took him out for the morning.
I jumped into bed with Joseph. I didn't really expect him to sleep but he did so I did too. By 1.00 I was feeling much better but still stayed in bed. I got up at 3.00 when Madeline needed to be picked up from school. After coffee with Steve I was feeling like I could cope with everything again. Steve and I went to pick up Joseph's glasses and then I cgot the children cleaning up while I cooked tea.
So today I am thankful that Christopher had a morning out and for Ellie taking him. I am thankful that Joseph had a sleep and that I did too. I am thankful for Joseph's new glasses and that so far he seems to like wearing them.
What are you thankful for today?
My friend Ellie came and picked up Christopher and took him out for the morning.
I jumped into bed with Joseph. I didn't really expect him to sleep but he did so I did too. By 1.00 I was feeling much better but still stayed in bed. I got up at 3.00 when Madeline needed to be picked up from school. After coffee with Steve I was feeling like I could cope with everything again. Steve and I went to pick up Joseph's glasses and then I cgot the children cleaning up while I cooked tea.
So today I am thankful that Christopher had a morning out and for Ellie taking him. I am thankful that Joseph had a sleep and that I did too. I am thankful for Joseph's new glasses and that so far he seems to like wearing them.
What are you thankful for today?
Feast of St Joseph
I was actually going to post about Joseph's feast day yesterday but was way too tired last night so I have left it till now.
On Monday, it was the Feast of St. Joseph. St. Joseph has been one of my favourite saints to go to for prayers. I am always asking him to pray for us. I believe it was through his intercession that we found our house and Steve got his job here.
I think every time I was pregnant, I suggested Joseph for a boy. When I was pregnant with Joseph and we found out he was a boy, I said straight away to Steve that I wanted to call him Joseph Benedict. I kept on calling him Joseph all through the pregnancy and was pretty confident that by the end of it, Steve would agree.
When my waters broke and we were driving to the hospital, Steve said, he wanted to have James for the middle name. I said that was fine. I just wanted my Joseph.
So for Joseph's feast day, we started with Mass. There was morning tea after and then on Monday night, Fr. Paul came around for tea. I baked Vanilla and Cream Cheese Pound Cakes for the feast. It was a great day.
Happy Feast day Joseph.
On Monday, it was the Feast of St. Joseph. St. Joseph has been one of my favourite saints to go to for prayers. I am always asking him to pray for us. I believe it was through his intercession that we found our house and Steve got his job here.
I think every time I was pregnant, I suggested Joseph for a boy. When I was pregnant with Joseph and we found out he was a boy, I said straight away to Steve that I wanted to call him Joseph Benedict. I kept on calling him Joseph all through the pregnancy and was pretty confident that by the end of it, Steve would agree.
When my waters broke and we were driving to the hospital, Steve said, he wanted to have James for the middle name. I said that was fine. I just wanted my Joseph.
So for Joseph's feast day, we started with Mass. There was morning tea after and then on Monday night, Fr. Paul came around for tea. I baked Vanilla and Cream Cheese Pound Cakes for the feast. It was a great day.
Happy Feast day Joseph.
Smart Martha Monday.
Last week, I had on my list to be in bed by 9.30 and up by 5.30. I was in bed every night by 9.30 except for Thursday since I needed to get Sam from work at 10.00 and I got up every morning at 5.30 except for Thursday also. I had been up a lot over night checking bsl for the boys and just could not get up on Thursday morning.
This week, I want to get more schedules written up and work on making my morning routine a habit that is hard to break.
I hope you all have a good week.
This week, I want to get more schedules written up and work on making my morning routine a habit that is hard to break.
I hope you all have a good week.
Weekend Wrap Up.
Our weekends during lent have started with Stations of the Cross before mass on Friday nights. It has been great to reflect on what Jesus went through as he was tried and carried his cross through the streets of Jerusalem.
From it I have also been reflecting on how hard it must have been for Mary to stand by and see her son treated so badly. I know as a mother, it is really hard to watch your child suffer. Mary knew that this was why Jesus came into the world but I am know that knowing this, would not have made it any easier.
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. Every Saturday, Steve and I start the day with Mass and Adoration at 8.30. I didn't want to get out of bed at first on Saturday morning but I was glad I did after we had been.
Saturday afternoon was busy with menu planning, food shopping and getting the house clean. Saturday night we went to the vigil mass.
Today was another beautiful day. We took Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph to the foreshore to ride their bikes and have a play.
I have started writing up some new household schedules also. I really hate schedules but I also realise they are a tool that are very useful with so many things to get done.
I have done two this weekend. I have written up menu plans with shopping lists and a schedule for Sam to clean both our bathrooms. He tends to leave them both until I tell him that they are both getting into quite a mess. From now on with a schedule, he will either get them done or receive a pretty hefty fine each week.
I also did a bsl chart for Tom. I really want him to be a bit more independent of me in checking his sugars and giving insulin as needed. We have written up a chart for him to be ticked off each day that he does what is needed at school and when he is out and about. If he can get 80%, he will get a treat at the end of the week.
I hope you all had a great weekend.
From it I have also been reflecting on how hard it must have been for Mary to stand by and see her son treated so badly. I know as a mother, it is really hard to watch your child suffer. Mary knew that this was why Jesus came into the world but I am know that knowing this, would not have made it any easier.
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. Every Saturday, Steve and I start the day with Mass and Adoration at 8.30. I didn't want to get out of bed at first on Saturday morning but I was glad I did after we had been.
Saturday afternoon was busy with menu planning, food shopping and getting the house clean. Saturday night we went to the vigil mass.
Today was another beautiful day. We took Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph to the foreshore to ride their bikes and have a play.
I have started writing up some new household schedules also. I really hate schedules but I also realise they are a tool that are very useful with so many things to get done.
I have done two this weekend. I have written up menu plans with shopping lists and a schedule for Sam to clean both our bathrooms. He tends to leave them both until I tell him that they are both getting into quite a mess. From now on with a schedule, he will either get them done or receive a pretty hefty fine each week.
I also did a bsl chart for Tom. I really want him to be a bit more independent of me in checking his sugars and giving insulin as needed. We have written up a chart for him to be ticked off each day that he does what is needed at school and when he is out and about. If he can get 80%, he will get a treat at the end of the week.
I hope you all had a great weekend.
bonningtons eaterie

if you want to sit-in you can choose from a large dining style table or a couple of sofas.
their main food options include panninis and sandwiches with a definite emphasis on good ingredients and lots and lots of choice. extras like stoats oats bars, glennan's crisps and fentimans soft drinks round the gastronomic lunch out nicely.
we tried the flat white. milk temperature was good, on the cool side. strength and flavour was good but no real milk texture that would have lifted it.
a good option though if you're in the area, especially if you're hungry :)
(especially love the blackboard - couldn't agree more!)
- coffee: artisan roast
- coolness: good scottish eats
- website:

Thankful Thursday.
Well it is Thursday again and time to give thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives.
Today I give thanks for daily mass. It has been such a blessing to me to be able to go each day and take the boys.
I am thankful for our air conditioner. This week we have had temperatures in the 30's and it has made the house more comfortable.
I am thankful for Sunday. Steve and I were able to get out together and our older children looked after the younger ones.
I am thankful for the long weekend we had. Daniel was able to come down for a visit.
What are you thankful for today?
Today I give thanks for daily mass. It has been such a blessing to me to be able to go each day and take the boys.
I am thankful for our air conditioner. This week we have had temperatures in the 30's and it has made the house more comfortable.
I am thankful for Sunday. Steve and I were able to get out together and our older children looked after the younger ones.
I am thankful for the long weekend we had. Daniel was able to come down for a visit.
What are you thankful for today?
Wordless Wednesday
I got a CD with photos of Christopher and Joseph from the play group we went to last year this weekend. I love the picture of Joseph. He really loves riding bikes.
cafe montagu

cafe montagu at 12 montagu terrace is a small cafe in edinburgh's north, near the botanic gardens.
in the way of food they offer a wide choice including light and big breakfasts, hot filled rolls, soups, bruschetta, veggie nachos, baked potatoes, salads, panninis, wraps and pastries like spinach and mushroom bake.
on the sweet front there are a range of cakes including apple pie
the very friendly folk at montagu's are keen on their coffee. we tried a flat white and cappuccino. sadly the flat white was only a single shot and so a bit on the bland side although the milk was good. capuccino was enjoyed by trusty partner.
rather than struggle on i asked for a double shot flat white (happily exchanged) instead and it was lovely. apparently the locals don't like it strong
ask for a double shot and you'll get a cracker. (they also do tea pig tea, yum)
- coffee: artisan roast
- coolness: right near the botanic gardens
- website:
Christopher Classics.
When Christopher saw a game of cricket been played, he said to us, I hope the white team wins.
Last year construction was started on an empty site. We saw a big hole been dug and everyone was wondering what they were doing at this construction site.
One day Christopher announced that he knew what they were doing there. So we asked him what they were building and he said, a pokemon stadium. (We found out later, the council was putting in a water recycler for central oval.
Today we were driving in the car and I was saying something about Fr. Ben. Christopher says, do you call him Fr. Ben. I said yes. Thought about it and then said, what do you call him? He said, Fr. Benjamin. When I told him he could still call him that, he said, no I am going to call him Fr. Ben. It is quicker you know.
Last year construction was started on an empty site. We saw a big hole been dug and everyone was wondering what they were doing at this construction site.
One day Christopher announced that he knew what they were doing there. So we asked him what they were building and he said, a pokemon stadium. (We found out later, the council was putting in a water recycler for central oval.
Today we were driving in the car and I was saying something about Fr. Ben. Christopher says, do you call him Fr. Ben. I said yes. Thought about it and then said, what do you call him? He said, Fr. Benjamin. When I told him he could still call him that, he said, no I am going to call him Fr. Ben. It is quicker you know.
Smart Martha Monday.
I didn't do a smart Martha post last week. I cannot remember why. It must have been a busy day around here and I just didn't get to my blog.
On my list from the week before, I had to pray each day with Steve and to get to adoration on Thursday.
I remember that Thursday was pretty busy so I wasn't able to get out to adoration but I did go on Friday morning since Sam and Madeline were both home. I was only able to stay for 45 minutes though.
Steve and I missed prayer everyday but I do remember at least two occasions that we were able to.
This week, I want to try and get back into a good sleeping pattern. I want to be in bed each night by 9.30 and up by 5.30. Steve has been getting up at 5.00 each morning and I find if I am in bed by 9.30, I can get up at 5.30 too.
I hope you all have a good week.
Thankful Thursday.
During lent, I have been listening to XT3's Lenten reflections. This morning it was on thankfulness. I realised while I was watching the video that I don't give enough thanks for all the blessings I have in my life so I want to start doing a weekly post on thankfulness.
This week, the eye specialist that is seeing Brigette and Joseph got in touch with me. Since seeing his MRI, she wants him to have glasses.
I am thankful that we have found this out early. I am thankful for all the support we have had with him also from all the different specialists.
I am also thankful for Steve and our children.
Thankful for our extended family.
Thankful for the internet.
This week, the eye specialist that is seeing Brigette and Joseph got in touch with me. Since seeing his MRI, she wants him to have glasses.
I am thankful that we have found this out early. I am thankful for all the support we have had with him also from all the different specialists.
I am also thankful for Steve and our children.
Thankful for our extended family.
Thankful for the internet.
The Weekend.
My good friend Shelley was in town over the weekend for a visit. Most of the time we sat at Philz and drank good coffee and spent hours chatting. But we did end up taking the girlie to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Friday where she fell in love with some jellyfish, chased some pigeons, and became a penguin whisperer.

Weekend wrap up.
It has been a busy weekend here.
Our children have been dumping all our linen in my storeroom without sorting for such a long time, we couldn't see the floor. I decided yesterday to get in there and clean it out.
I have cleaned out the floor, and cleared out one side of shelves. Over this week, I will go through the other side. It will probably go on my Smart Martha list of things to get done.
I hope you all had a great weekend too.
Our children have been dumping all our linen in my storeroom without sorting for such a long time, we couldn't see the floor. I decided yesterday to get in there and clean it out.
I have cleaned out the floor, and cleared out one side of shelves. Over this week, I will go through the other side. It will probably go on my Smart Martha list of things to get done.
I hope you all had a great weekend too.
Swing time.
Tonight we are without power so I decided to post this video from my phone. I love this one of Christopher and Joseph.
Write Hope on your hand.
A friend of mine from facebook has asked people to write hope on their hand today for those suffering from type one diabetes.
I wanted to post it here too.
I am very hopeful that there will be a cure one day for Tom and Christopher. This week has been a difficult week. On Monday night, we couldn't get Tom's bsl down below 20 (360). He had insulin at 6.00pm, 8.00pm, 10.00pm, 12.30am and 3.30am. At 7.30 he was still up at 17(306) so we gave him some breakfast and insulin to cover carbs and high sugar level. By 9.40 he was low at 2.1(37). After treating the hypo, everything seemed good for the rest of the day fortunately.
When we have days like yesterday, I think we need a cure now. I don't want to wait for a cure. I want to have it now. I guess I just need to learn patience.
I also need to remember that we now have the means to keep the boys diabetes under much better control now. We have glucometers to check blood sugar levels. Thanks to Frederick Banting, we have insulin to give and now we also have insulin pumps to deliver them. Insulin pumps are a much easier way to manage type one diabetes. Before Tom was on the pump, he had regular trips to hospital. I think since he has had the pump, we have had two stays in hospital.
Every day, treatments are improving and we are getting closer to a cure. Every day we have Tom and Christopher here is a gift. I give thanks that we have the means and treatment today that we do. I also hope for a cure in the future.
I wanted to post it here too.
I am very hopeful that there will be a cure one day for Tom and Christopher. This week has been a difficult week. On Monday night, we couldn't get Tom's bsl down below 20 (360). He had insulin at 6.00pm, 8.00pm, 10.00pm, 12.30am and 3.30am. At 7.30 he was still up at 17(306) so we gave him some breakfast and insulin to cover carbs and high sugar level. By 9.40 he was low at 2.1(37). After treating the hypo, everything seemed good for the rest of the day fortunately.
When we have days like yesterday, I think we need a cure now. I don't want to wait for a cure. I want to have it now. I guess I just need to learn patience.
I also need to remember that we now have the means to keep the boys diabetes under much better control now. We have glucometers to check blood sugar levels. Thanks to Frederick Banting, we have insulin to give and now we also have insulin pumps to deliver them. Insulin pumps are a much easier way to manage type one diabetes. Before Tom was on the pump, he had regular trips to hospital. I think since he has had the pump, we have had two stays in hospital.
Every day, treatments are improving and we are getting closer to a cure. Every day we have Tom and Christopher here is a gift. I give thanks that we have the means and treatment today that we do. I also hope for a cure in the future.
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