falko konditormeister feinbackerei at 185 bruntsfield place is a german bakehouse that has a justly deserved great name for gutsy breads, fruity flans and sticky tortes to name just some of their goodies. it operates as a shop and as a cafe with tables inside and out the front.
the service is friendly and they have a big regular clientelle. their coffee blends are apparently tailored exclusively for them. i was informed that they have lighter blend for lattes and a stronger blend for espressi.
we chose our preferred coffees: the flat white (double shot short latte) and cappuccino. the flat white was good - strong, not too hot, softly stretched milk. a bit too much froth on top but the coffee flavour was complex with a very gentle bitterness.
trusty partner's cappuccino however was half full - literally - of froth with very strong coffee beneath. our usual experience is that the flat white is made from two shots of espresso and the cappuccino from one shot. because the cappuccino was half full of coffee, the single shot was very intense (it seemed stronger than one shot) and not appreciated by the trusty partner. the drinker also ends up with a froth moustache trying to get to the actual coffee which may not be the look you're after.
i felt falko's had improved its coffee considerably since we last visited and i was happy with result but trusty partner was non-plussed.
amazing baked goods though - you have to go!
- coffee: their own blend(s)
- coolness: truly amazing breads and pastries
- coffee: their own blend(s)
- coolness: truly amazing breads and pastries
- website: www.falko.co.uk
- dog-friendly
- dog-friendly