But we had a really great in-class brainstorming session and my friend Jessie asked me and another girl to partner with her on using scars as letters. We got some of our friends to send us their scar photos, then today we ran around Providence and RISD talking to random people.
It was a great...Jessie and I are pretty shy and introverted, but our friend Nikki would walk up to random people and ask them if they had any interesting scars. No introduction. No, "we're working on a project". Just straight out asked, and would just walk on if they said no. You'd be surprised, she actually got two random girls to drop their pants (in the ladies room, of course) and let her take photos of their scars. You'd also be surprised at how many people actually want to show off their scars...oh wait, maybe you wouldn't. It was all very "12 year old, look at my scars".
What do you think? This is actually a 18x24 poster that we're printing out.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out (click for a bigger version, of course). Especially the "p". Beautiful.
On a random, musical sidenote, is it totally weird that I'm re-getting into the Wallflowers? Man...I'm loving me some Jakob Dylan.