Now, we're not big Valentines Day celebrators, but last Tuesday (the one before v-day), homeboy comes home and hands me a box (which feels suspiciously light) to open. When I protested that we weren't supposed to get each other anything, he insisted that it was really a gift to us. A gift of tickets to the Warriors/Suns game the next night (I'd been begging him since we moved back to take me to a Warriors game when the Suns were in town)!
The game was perfect, albeit a bit strange with me rooting on my Suns while Herman rooted on his Warriors (and I just have to say, in any other situation, I'd totally be rooting on the Warriors - have you watched Baron Davis play?)...with thousands of other Warriors fans. The only part of the night that wasn't perfect (for me) was when Barbosa missed a three pointer with 3.2 seconds left in the game, leaving the Suns to lose by two. Otherwise, perfect.