After getting our keys, a few things happened that can account for the 3 week blog silence:
1. I almost immediately began to paint. Then I painted some more, and after a painting break...well, I'm still painting. As of right now though, I only have the guest bed and bath left, and then I will have accomplished the huge task of painting our entire place. Except for the rather large wall that at its highest point reaches about 20 feet. That wall is staying white. Unless any of you want to come over and paint it for me. I will post photos once we're settled. Needless to say, it looks quite different.
2. We moved in! And aside from still needing to install blinds on the office and guest bedroom (just ordered from Costco), get a small dining room table, and, oh yeah - unpack everything, we absolutely love it. I can't believe we get to live here, and have no complaints. Except for...
3. A rather annoying smoke detector that sporadically beeps, no matter how many times we change the batteries (it's in the garage though, so it's much less annoying than say, in our bedroom). And the fact that we just got phone/internet today because someone forgot to install all of the wiring for said phone/internet prior to us moving in. Fun stuff.
Other than that, we are two very happy people and one very happy cat (who is back to his old habit of sitting on my hands while I try to type).