Thanks so much Leanne for tagging me for the Patron Saint Meme.
When I first read the meme at Leanne's blog, I thought it was the same one I had done back in 2008. I went back and looked in my archives. I found that the meme I did in 2008 was a bit different. There was something in common with both meme's though.
They were both in August. I remember thinking I could post from the archives and do the meme on the same date as I had back in 2008. On that Monday I posted a Smart Martha Post but I didn't do the meme. I know I intended to do it that week, but from reading this post, I remember just how busy life got for us around the end of August and then the meme was forgotten.
My fist meme that I did on August 22 2008, can be found here.
That meme asked:
What picture would I use for my holy card, should I make it to sainthood, and of what cause(s) would I want to be patroness of?
The new meme asks
Assuming you are a saint, and your cause has been executed, your miracles confirmed, your date on the calendar established, all that is required is select that of which Holy Mother Church will name you Patron(ess).For this meme, you must name your patronage and then tag 5 other people who would like to play along. Link your answer to your nominator's post.
So back in 2008, I thought I could be the patroness for mothers that hated washing and that a photo my uncle had taken of me when I was about 8 or 9 could be my Holy Card
Now still in 2011, I think I still would want to be the patroness for mothers that hate washing. I still hate it just as much as I did back in 2008. I know that I need someone in Heaven praying for me that I can move that mountain of washing each day. I am probably more organised with my washing now though than I was then.
I am tagging the following 5 people for this meme:
Esther from A Catholic mom in Hawaii
Easter from Passionate about life
(These two ladies were the ones that originally tagged me for the patron saint meme back in 2008. I wonder if they think their patronage should be the same now too).
Nancy from Be Not Afraid
Therese from The Musings of a mom.
Suzy from Scraps of Sunlight.
Smart Martha Monday.
I really should read what I have on my list before the day I have to report on them.
I did have the best intentions when I said I would do Leanne's meme but completely forgot about it.
I guess I will just have to put it on my list again this week.
I started cleaning out the fridge (when I looked at my list). I prayed the rosary a few days but not every day and I sent out invitations.
This week I have on my list:
Leanne's meme.
De clutter our storeroom.
One hour prayer in front of the blessed sacrament at church.
I hope you all have a good week.
I did have the best intentions when I said I would do Leanne's meme but completely forgot about it.
I guess I will just have to put it on my list again this week.
I started cleaning out the fridge (when I looked at my list). I prayed the rosary a few days but not every day and I sent out invitations.
This week I have on my list:
Leanne's meme.
De clutter our storeroom.
One hour prayer in front of the blessed sacrament at church.
I hope you all have a good week.
coffee angel

coffee angel, 24-27 brandon terrace new town, is a cruisy cafe with nice sandwiches and rolls and other goodies like chocolate and cakes.
the folk behind the counter are very welcoming and happy for you to just hang with your laptop or read the paper. it has a great feel, a bit like your own lounge room but with better coffee.
they use matthew algie coffee who are head quartered in glasgow - always good to see an independent coffee roaster, even better that they're scottish!
for us the coffee is a high 'good'. the flavour is strong but not quite gutsy or flavoursome enough. the cappuccino was a bit weak. the milk is lovely and soft, temperature bang on and cup size is good. just a touch more complex on the flavour and it'd be cracking.
- coffee: matthew algie
- coolness: right near the water of leith
- website:
- coffee: matthew algie
- coolness: right near the water of leith
- website:

7 Quick Takes.
This weekend, the girls and I are off to Whyalla for a girls weekend away. We will go shopping, eat out for tea and have some girl bonding time.
Today was Tom and Amelia's sports day at school. I took Christopher and Joseph over there just before 12.00. We had a great time watching them all compete. Their team came in fourth but they had lots of fun.
Joseph's physiotherapy is going really well. We can see a great improvement in his walking and control. This week, we are going to be working on strengthening his stomach muscles.
We have had lots of summer weather here this week. I cannot wait for it to be warm every day. I really love summer.
I haven't sewn very much at all since Joseph was born. Now that Tom and Amelia are back at school, I should have more time to do some. I have quite a few plans for some summer dresses for myself and some summer outfits for the younger children. For some reason, my older children would rather buy their clothes.
It is now 8 days till the feast day of St. Therese. I was told about a novena prayer that was starting yesterday so have started it. If you want to join in the novena you can find it here.
Today I went over to the church on my own for a prayer hour. I have told Steve that I want to try and get over there once a week for one hour. It was great to be alone with Our Lord and not have any distractions or any one talking to me. I thought the time might drag but it went by very fast. I am looking forward to doing this each week.
Don't forget to drop over to Jennifer's blog for other people's quick takes.
Cooking bandit.
Tom asked to help with tea tonight. I was. making quiche so decided it was a good dish for him to learn. This quiche is so easy, I think he will be able to make it next time without supervision. Here he is with the quiche before they went in the oven.
Tom named himself the cooking bandit. I think it suits him.
Tom named himself the cooking bandit. I think it suits him.
Happy Birthday Dad.
My dad would have turned 76 this year if he was still living. It will be two years in November since he passed away.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Smart Martha Monday.
My list from last week:
I did exercises with Joseph every day but I don't think it was twice a day like I am suppose to try and do.
I just did the home school meme.
I kept up with my blogging schedule and read 99% of the blog posts for blogs in my reader. When I was looking at my reader earlier, I only had 30 or so unread.
I missed prayer a few mornings but we did get to mass each day and I got to confession on Saturday.
This week.
I am going to do the meme that Leanne tagged me for a while ago. Sorry I haven't gotten around to doing this yet Leanne. I actually forgot that you tagged me for it. Then I read Vicky's post and remembered that I had been tagged too.
Send out some invitations.
clean out our fridge.
Pray the rosary daily.
I hope you all have a good week.
Home School meme.
Thanks so much Vicky, for tagging me for the home school meme.
One Homeschool Book You've Enjoyed.
My favourite would have to be Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum. This book would have to be the one that helped me the most when I first started home school. I would say this is the book that gave me the confidence that I could educate my children myself.
One Resource You Wouldn't Be Without.
I think the internet would have to be the one. I keep in touch with other home school families and have loads of bookmarks with resources.
One Resource You Wish You'd Never Bought.
Not really sure if I can think of one. I cannot think of anything we have bought and not used. There have been programs that I have bought and thought I won't get this again simply because the program hasn't been suited to my children's way of learning.
One Resource You Liked Last Year.
I loved the Tutor System. I will be using it again next year for Christopher I think.
One Resource You'll Be Using Next Year.
The Tutor System and The Phonetic Zoo. The Phonetic Zoo is a spelling program. Right from the start of home schooling, I have really struggled with how to teach the children how to spell. In May this year, I did a search for something new and came across The Phonetic Zoo. I bought it and we started it straight away. It is by far the best spelling program we have had. Tom and Amelia both said they hated this program but the results were fantastic. They really learnt words and remembered them.
One Resource You'd Like To Buy.
An I Pad or Android Tablet.
One Resource You Wish Existed.
I don't think there is any resource that I have wanted and haven't been able to find. I do wish though there were more home school families that lived close by. I really like the idea of doing activities with other home school families.
One Homeschooling Catalogue You Enjoy Reading.
I don't have any home school catalogues.
One Homeschool Site You Visit Regularly.
All the home school blogs that are in my reader.
I am not going to tag any other bloggers since this meme has been going around a bit. If you want to do the meme and haven't been tagged, let me know in the comment box and I am happy to tag you for it.
One Homeschool Book You've Enjoyed.
My favourite would have to be Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum. This book would have to be the one that helped me the most when I first started home school. I would say this is the book that gave me the confidence that I could educate my children myself.
One Resource You Wouldn't Be Without.
I think the internet would have to be the one. I keep in touch with other home school families and have loads of bookmarks with resources.
One Resource You Wish You'd Never Bought.
Not really sure if I can think of one. I cannot think of anything we have bought and not used. There have been programs that I have bought and thought I won't get this again simply because the program hasn't been suited to my children's way of learning.
One Resource You Liked Last Year.
I loved the Tutor System. I will be using it again next year for Christopher I think.
One Resource You'll Be Using Next Year.
The Tutor System and The Phonetic Zoo. The Phonetic Zoo is a spelling program. Right from the start of home schooling, I have really struggled with how to teach the children how to spell. In May this year, I did a search for something new and came across The Phonetic Zoo. I bought it and we started it straight away. It is by far the best spelling program we have had. Tom and Amelia both said they hated this program but the results were fantastic. They really learnt words and remembered them.
One Resource You'd Like To Buy.
An I Pad or Android Tablet.
One Resource You Wish Existed.
I don't think there is any resource that I have wanted and haven't been able to find. I do wish though there were more home school families that lived close by. I really like the idea of doing activities with other home school families.
One Homeschooling Catalogue You Enjoy Reading.
I don't have any home school catalogues.
One Homeschool Site You Visit Regularly.
All the home school blogs that are in my reader.
I am not going to tag any other bloggers since this meme has been going around a bit. If you want to do the meme and haven't been tagged, let me know in the comment box and I am happy to tag you for it.
weekend Wrap up.
Yesterday was the first weekend of no Saturday morning netball. This has taken up a lot of our Saturday mornings for a long time.
Steve and I started with Mass and Adoration. We take one child with us each week. This week it was Christopher's turn to come.
Since we didn't have netball, I did my menu plan for the week and then went food shopping.
In the evening we got to church early so that we could go to confession before mass.
On Friday, I received a text message from our video store saying we could hire any new release for $1.95. Steve and I decided to take up this offer and hired The Rite.
We both enjoyed this movie and recommend it. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and they did a good job portraying exorcism's accurately from what Steve and I have heard about them.
Today was a sunny day. After lunch, Steve and I took Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph over to Rotary Park.
Joseph's physiotherapy is coming along nicely. One of the exercises we need to do with him is get him stepping up steps with his left leg first. Usually when we approach a step, I make him stop and put his left leg up. Today while we were at Rotary park, I noticed that he was stepping up with his left leg first on his own without any prompting from me.
Here he is on video going up the steps to slide down the slide.
We just have two weeks of school left and then we will have two weeks holidays. I am looking forward to them.
I hope you all have a great week.
Nearly Wordless Wednesday
I had to video this. Joseph is only sleeping but the music was pretty loud. I couldn't believe he could fall asleep with all the background music. I videoed it so you can hear how loud the music is.
Smart Martha Monday.
On my list last week:
Blogging Smart Martha Monday, a video or photo and finally a quick 7 or weekend wrap up post.
Blogging Smart Martha Monday, a video or photo and finally a quick 7 or weekend wrap up post.
I did them all. I did the video a day early. I was going to schedule it but decided to just post it straight away.
I probably only read about 40% of the blog posts in my reader.
I did get to daily mass each day and took Christopher to play at a park after it.
On my list this week:
Do the meme Vicky tagged me for.
Continue with the blogging schedule.
Pray every morning.
Do Joseph's exercises every morning and afternoon.
Quick 7.
Thanks so much to Jen from Conversion Diary for hosting 7 Quick Takes each week. Be sure to drop over and see what others are writing about.
My mother is all settled in assisted living now. It has been a long month for my brother sister and I getting it all organised but we are finally there.
This week Tom and Amelia's school had wheelies day. Everyone had to take something to the school on wheels. Tom took some roller skates and Amelia took a scooter. Christopher, Joseph and I went over for the last hour and there was a huge obstacle course for the children to ride laps around. Christopher had a go on Amelia's scooter. Tom didn't want to ride the roller skates but had a go on the scooter as well. I spoke with Amelia's teacher and he said she has settled in really well.
The school also had dress up today. Tom went dressed as a Mexican and Amelia went as a Chinese girl. Here is a photo of them both.
I have a new favourite meal. Chicken Fried Rice. Go and try it. I highly recommend it and I am sure we will be eating it regularly.
Tomorrow Amelia plays in the grand final for netball. She is very excited. They will play Shamrocks. We hope they will win but runner up is pretty good too.
Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the amount of followers from my dashboard? I have a bit of love and hate to it. I find I get worried when someone stops following me and wonder if I have offended someone. I really hope though that if anyone were offended that they would let me know.
I have been enjoying playing Words With Friends from Facebook. I love scrabble and have learnt quite a few strategies for the game. Paramedic Girl from Salve Regina is a champ at this game. I am yet to beat her but at least she isn't doubling my score any more.
Port Augusta
I just saw a promotional video from our city council of our town and thought I would share it with you.
Smart Martha Monday.
I missed Smart Martha last week and I cannot remember if I did all the things from the week before.
I have decided I need to make a new schedule for blogging and reading my favourite blogs. Blogging is probably the one thing that gets neglected when life becomes busy. I want to capture our family moments though and have written things to look back on so I have decided I will put blogging on Monday, Wednesday and once over the weekend on a schedule.
I am going to do Smart Martha Monday each Monday. On Wednesday, I will post a photo or video from our week and over the weekend I will either do a Quick 7 or a Weekend Wrap up.
Setting it on a schedule should help me get to blogging more.
I am also going to start reading blogs in my reader each evening. I had over 1000 unread blog posts the other day and I had to mark all read. Today I only have 28 new posts to read. If I do it each day, I am sure I will get to most of them.
My other aim for this week is to get to daily mass with Christopher and Joseph. Now that Tom and Amelia are at school, our home school timetable is much shorter. I have promised Christopher everyday that we get to mass, we will call in at a park on the way home for a play. It makes it a bit more appealing for him to go along.
I hope you all have a good week.
Happy Fathers Day
To all the fathers that read my blog, I hope you all have a great fathers day. Steve had a great day. He got lots of chocolates and we baked some cakes to have for dessert. I also cooked some yummy chicken fried rice for tea.
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