Today it is 10 years since we found out Tom has type one diabetes.
I have so many different memories from that day and the week following it.
I remember flying in the flying doctors plane with Tom and there was so much turbulence that I thought I might not live through it.
I remember I was 34 weeks pregnant when we arrived in Adelaide and 35 weeks when we flew back to Millicent.
I remember thinking that my little boy was not going to live. It was the scariest thought I had ever had. I remember turning to Mary and saying to her, how did you sit at the side of the cross with Jesus. I remember asking her to pray for me that I would be just as strong at Tom's side as she was at Jesus side.
I remember wondering if God had abandoned me or if I had abandoned him. I thought things like this only happened to people that didn't do what God wanted them to do.
I remember realising many months later just how much God had helped me through a very difficult time and that God was right there suffering with me.
One of the funny things I remember is talking on the phone to Sam. I said to him,
"Tom will need injections every day for the rest of his life".
Sam responded
Then when I was talking with Steve I could hear him telling Daniel in the background, Tom needs injections every day. Daniel laughed and said
"Oh he does not."
Sam said
"you ask mum."
Every year so far, we have acknowledged the anniversary and had something special to eat. Tonight it was pies and herb bread that Tom choose. We also got some chocolate and vanilla milk.
I think when you have something that impacts so drastically on your life, it is good to acknowledge the good things from it.
A disease like diabetes is hard to live with and it can be hard to see the good.
It is good that the boys can check their blood sugar level regularly and we can do something about the high or low sugar reading.
It is good that they have an insulin pump and can eat anything they want to eat.
It is good that there are so many scientists out there looking for a cure and that they believe one will be found within the boys life time.
Most of all, it is good that our family has all been brought closer together because we all need to help the boys and each other in managing their diabetes.
It has been good for me to be involved in a couple of online groups which have other mothers and fathers with type one children that they can support me and help me when I am feeling down about the disease.
So thanks everyone that has supported us and prayed with us through the tough times.
My mission statement.
Last week, I wrote about writing a mission statement. This is what I wrote for my mission.
Firstly I thought about all the roles I have in my life.
I am a provider, teacher, wife, friend and disciple.
To write my mission statement, I thought about, what do I want to achieve with all these roles?
After much prayer and going through the eBook, this is what I came up with for each role.
1) Disciple:
To pray everyday, go to mass regularly, receive the sacrament of confession regularly and to go where ever God leads me, even if I am scared of what it could lead too.
2) Teacher:
To be attentive to the childrens lessons, to help them learn, form good study habits, have a good routine and love life.
3) Provider:
To provide all the children's needs, both emotionally, physically, To keep them all as healthy as possible.
4) wife:
To love Steve. To hold nothing back from him. To be just as happy (or even happier) when our children have all moved on.
5) Friend.
To have relationships with other women. To encourage them and be encouraged by them. To be open to any challenges from them and see when God is using them to talk to me.
So many times this week, I have thought, I don't want to do xyz. Every time I have had this thought though, I have also thought about why I am doing it and what I want to gain from doing it. That is how I see the mission statement working in my life. It gives me the incentive to get up and do xyz when I don't want to.
Firstly I thought about all the roles I have in my life.
I am a provider, teacher, wife, friend and disciple.
To write my mission statement, I thought about, what do I want to achieve with all these roles?
After much prayer and going through the eBook, this is what I came up with for each role.
1) Disciple:
To pray everyday, go to mass regularly, receive the sacrament of confession regularly and to go where ever God leads me, even if I am scared of what it could lead too.
2) Teacher:
To be attentive to the childrens lessons, to help them learn, form good study habits, have a good routine and love life.
3) Provider:
To provide all the children's needs, both emotionally, physically, To keep them all as healthy as possible.
4) wife:
To love Steve. To hold nothing back from him. To be just as happy (or even happier) when our children have all moved on.
5) Friend.
To have relationships with other women. To encourage them and be encouraged by them. To be open to any challenges from them and see when God is using them to talk to me.
So many times this week, I have thought, I don't want to do xyz. Every time I have had this thought though, I have also thought about why I am doing it and what I want to gain from doing it. That is how I see the mission statement working in my life. It gives me the incentive to get up and do xyz when I don't want to.
What a mess.
Look what Joseph did today while I was on the phone.
opened new custard, smashed several eggs and put an egg in custard. He then also ate straight out of the custard container.
7 Quick Takes.

VOIP and Naked Internet.
Today we changed over to Naked internet with Internode.
This is internet without a landline. It should save us about 25.00 a month of phone and internet costs.
Quiz Night.
Tonight Daniel and the two other pilgrims for WYD had a fundraiser to raise money for their trip to Spain in August. The organised a pasta quiz night. It was a fun night.
A cute photo of Joseph from the week.
These are the tubs I bought for our home school room. I was carrying Joseph when we put them in the trolley. He reached out for them so I put him in.
Brigette was with me and couldn't believe I stopped in the middle of the store to take a photo of him. I couldn't resist though.
Mission Statement.
As I mentioned earlier in the week, I have written up a mission statement. I have found that this has kept me more focused on what I want for our children and for Steve's and my marriage. It has also helped me to realise why I do all the things I do and what I hope to achieve from them all.
It has made the week much smoother and I have stayed more motivated in doing what needs to be done. I have also noticed that when I am on task more, the children are too.
10 things in 101 days.
I have 27 days to go till my time is up for 10 things in 101 days.
- So far I have sewn one top for me.
- sorted our home school books out.
- started re organising our kitchen.
- written up 2 menu plans.
- planned in my head another 10 things to do after this.
I better get a move on with the other 5.
Remember the list I wrote about for the children and I to do? We did the list every day for the first 10 days but this week, we haven't done anything at all. I guess I focused on other things and forgot to pull a small sacrifice out of the box each day.
We have fallen but must get up from this. I am going to make sure we pull something out of our box tomorrow.
I got news tonight that in South Australia there will be another debate on Euthanasia. It was only a short time ago that a Euthanasia bill was defeated but still they just keep on coming up trying to get this legalised here.
Paul Russel has a great website that keeps everyone up to date with any kind of Euthanasia laws that are trying to get in and he lets people know when action needs to be taken.
Please pray for Paul's work and help out with the action items.
Don't forget to pop over to Jen's for other people's quick 7.
VOIP and Naked Internet.
Today we changed over to Naked internet with Internode.
This is internet without a landline. It should save us about 25.00 a month of phone and internet costs.
Quiz Night.
Tonight Daniel and the two other pilgrims for WYD had a fundraiser to raise money for their trip to Spain in August. The organised a pasta quiz night. It was a fun night.
A cute photo of Joseph from the week.
Brigette was with me and couldn't believe I stopped in the middle of the store to take a photo of him. I couldn't resist though.
Mission Statement.
As I mentioned earlier in the week, I have written up a mission statement. I have found that this has kept me more focused on what I want for our children and for Steve's and my marriage. It has also helped me to realise why I do all the things I do and what I hope to achieve from them all.
It has made the week much smoother and I have stayed more motivated in doing what needs to be done. I have also noticed that when I am on task more, the children are too.
10 things in 101 days.
I have 27 days to go till my time is up for 10 things in 101 days.
- So far I have sewn one top for me.
- sorted our home school books out.
- started re organising our kitchen.
- written up 2 menu plans.
- planned in my head another 10 things to do after this.
I better get a move on with the other 5.
Remember the list I wrote about for the children and I to do? We did the list every day for the first 10 days but this week, we haven't done anything at all. I guess I focused on other things and forgot to pull a small sacrifice out of the box each day.
We have fallen but must get up from this. I am going to make sure we pull something out of our box tomorrow.
I got news tonight that in South Australia there will be another debate on Euthanasia. It was only a short time ago that a Euthanasia bill was defeated but still they just keep on coming up trying to get this legalised here.
Paul Russel has a great website that keeps everyone up to date with any kind of Euthanasia laws that are trying to get in and he lets people know when action needs to be taken.
Please pray for Paul's work and help out with the action items.
Don't forget to pop over to Jen's for other people's quick 7.
Small Successes.

It is a while since I did a small successes with faith and family but this week has been such a good week that I really wanted to do it.
(1) My first small success is writing my mission statement. It has helped me to be much more focused on what I need to do and I know what I am trying to achieve with every chore I do.
(2) I have made our bed and cleaned our bedroom every day this week.
(3) I have written on my blog every night this week. I am also getting a good routine to get everything done each day.
Don't forget to drop over to Faith and Family Live to read other people's small successes.
Mission Statement
I was thinking yesterday, why is it whenever I start a new mothers rule or some new routine that I get everything done the first couple of days but then I start to do things half way? I don't know why it is or what makes me like this.
Today I got an answer to this. I read it in a blog that I have been following for a while.
Inspired To Action had a great post on getting things done.
Go and read the article. It has put into perspective for me what I need to do.
Tonight my goal is to read the Mission Statement E Book.
I have never thought about having a mission statement as a mother before. I am hoping that with a few goals, I will be able to stick to my mothers rule.
Today I got an answer to this. I read it in a blog that I have been following for a while.
Inspired To Action had a great post on getting things done.
Go and read the article. It has put into perspective for me what I need to do.
Tonight my goal is to read the Mission Statement E Book.
I have never thought about having a mission statement as a mother before. I am hoping that with a few goals, I will be able to stick to my mothers rule.
Day one of A Mothers Rule of Life.
Over the weekend, I worked on my mothers rule. It hasn't really changed much from before Joseph was born. I do have Christopher at home now rather than at kindy so that is about the only thing I have changed. We did change our timetable a bit anyway when he no longer needed drop offs and pick ups from kindy.
Over all, I was very happy with the day. The school day went smoothly. I did site changes for the boys pumps and uploaded their information to carelink. I got our room cleaned out (including under the bed). Steve and I also got to evening mass tonight.
I am hoping it will continue to go as well as it did today for the rest of the week.
Over all, I was very happy with the day. The school day went smoothly. I did site changes for the boys pumps and uploaded their information to carelink. I got our room cleaned out (including under the bed). Steve and I also got to evening mass tonight.
I am hoping it will continue to go as well as it did today for the rest of the week.
51 things about me
Jenny from A Minute captured posted 51 things about her and I thought it was a great way for those that don't know me to get to know me a bit better.
1) I was born in 1966 so that means I will be 45 this year.
2) I love spring and summer and dislike autumn and winter.
3) I enjoy being out in the sun on nice warm days.
4) We have lived in three different towns. Adelaide, Millicent and Port Augusta.
5) When we lived in Millicent, we had so much rain that I started to hate rain.
6) My favourite drink is Coke Zero.
7) I love Italian cuisine.
8) My favourite Italian meal is Gnocchi with a cream sauce.
9) I have trouble disciplining myself to get to bed at a reasonable time.
10) I like to sleep in.
11) I have seen the Passion of the Christ once. I am glad I have seen it but I probably won't watch it again.
12) I love old musicals. My favourite one would have to be The sound of Music.
13) I love watching It's a wonderful life at Christmas.
14) I enjoy doing sudoku's.
15) I play wii with our children. I like Mario Galaxy.
16) I am a cradle Catholic.
17) I didn't realise just what a gift the Catholic faith is until I was married to a non Catholic.
18) My eldest son was baptised 3 weeks before his dad.
19) My husband always inspires me to be the best Christian I can be.
20) I got married when I was 24 and had my first child at 25.
21) I was pregnant with our first child 3 months after we got married.
22) Daniel was born just 25 days before our first wedding anniversary.
23) I like to cook but sometimes it seems that what I have cooked disappears so quickly that I think why did I bother.
24) I love anything sweet.
25) I don't eat ice cream unless it is really really hot. I don't like the cold texture.
26) I love shell seafood. I wish it wasn't so expensive.
27) I need to write myself a list to get anything done.
28) I sometimes wish I was born organised and organisation came more naturally to me.
29) All my babies have been born naturally.
30) I had my appendix out when I was 14.
31) I had my tonsils out when I was 7.
32) I was in a car accident when I was in grade three and had 12 stitches in my forehead.
33) My spelling use to be atrocious. I have improved a lot since writing my blog and reading other blogs.
34) I always try to correct spelling mistakes myself before looking at the dictionary for the correct spelling.
35) I want to loose about 7 kg.
36) I wish I didn't have grey hairs.
37) In August it will be my 5th anniversary of blogging.
38) I don't think I would have started home school if I wasn't reading other home school blogs.
39) I get a lot of support for looking after the boys diabetes from other mothers online.
40) I like living in a country town.
41) Sometimes I wish we lived closer to our families.
42) I want to travel overseas some day.
43) My dream holiday is to go on a cruise with Steve (and without any children).
44) I would love to be in the Holy Land one Easter.
45) I would love to meet the Pope.
46) I am very shy when I meet people in real life.
47) I love being a mother.
48) I love being with other people.
49) I wish I could take better photos.
50) I am a member of Steve Rays message board and I love the community there.
51) Recently we got EWTN. It is great to have Catholic programs to watch.
Made it. I will be doing another 50 at some stage to get to the 101 like Jenny. It will be a while though. It has taken me a while to come up with this list.
1) I was born in 1966 so that means I will be 45 this year.
2) I love spring and summer and dislike autumn and winter.
3) I enjoy being out in the sun on nice warm days.
4) We have lived in three different towns. Adelaide, Millicent and Port Augusta.
5) When we lived in Millicent, we had so much rain that I started to hate rain.
6) My favourite drink is Coke Zero.
7) I love Italian cuisine.
8) My favourite Italian meal is Gnocchi with a cream sauce.
9) I have trouble disciplining myself to get to bed at a reasonable time.
10) I like to sleep in.
11) I have seen the Passion of the Christ once. I am glad I have seen it but I probably won't watch it again.
12) I love old musicals. My favourite one would have to be The sound of Music.
13) I love watching It's a wonderful life at Christmas.
14) I enjoy doing sudoku's.
15) I play wii with our children. I like Mario Galaxy.
16) I am a cradle Catholic.
17) I didn't realise just what a gift the Catholic faith is until I was married to a non Catholic.
18) My eldest son was baptised 3 weeks before his dad.
19) My husband always inspires me to be the best Christian I can be.
20) I got married when I was 24 and had my first child at 25.
21) I was pregnant with our first child 3 months after we got married.
22) Daniel was born just 25 days before our first wedding anniversary.
23) I like to cook but sometimes it seems that what I have cooked disappears so quickly that I think why did I bother.
24) I love anything sweet.
25) I don't eat ice cream unless it is really really hot. I don't like the cold texture.
26) I love shell seafood. I wish it wasn't so expensive.
27) I need to write myself a list to get anything done.
28) I sometimes wish I was born organised and organisation came more naturally to me.
29) All my babies have been born naturally.
30) I had my appendix out when I was 14.
31) I had my tonsils out when I was 7.
32) I was in a car accident when I was in grade three and had 12 stitches in my forehead.
33) My spelling use to be atrocious. I have improved a lot since writing my blog and reading other blogs.
34) I always try to correct spelling mistakes myself before looking at the dictionary for the correct spelling.
35) I want to loose about 7 kg.
36) I wish I didn't have grey hairs.
37) In August it will be my 5th anniversary of blogging.
38) I don't think I would have started home school if I wasn't reading other home school blogs.
39) I get a lot of support for looking after the boys diabetes from other mothers online.
40) I like living in a country town.
41) Sometimes I wish we lived closer to our families.
42) I want to travel overseas some day.
43) My dream holiday is to go on a cruise with Steve (and without any children).
44) I would love to be in the Holy Land one Easter.
45) I would love to meet the Pope.
46) I am very shy when I meet people in real life.
47) I love being a mother.
48) I love being with other people.
49) I wish I could take better photos.
50) I am a member of Steve Rays message board and I love the community there.
51) Recently we got EWTN. It is great to have Catholic programs to watch.
Made it. I will be doing another 50 at some stage to get to the 101 like Jenny. It will be a while though. It has taken me a while to come up with this list.
Feast of St. Joseph

Happy feast day Joseph.
We had pancakes, bacon and chocolate milk for breakfast this morning to celebrate Joseph's feast day.
We haven't really celebrated the children's saint days much before but I am going to make more of an effort to do it now.
We had pancakes, bacon and chocolate milk for breakfast this morning to celebrate Joseph's feast day.
We haven't really celebrated the children's saint days much before but I am going to make more of an effort to do it now.
A mothers rule.
I remember the first time I read A Mothers Rule of Life, the author, Holly spoke about the miracle of the loaves and fishes and how God used the miracle to speak to her about her needs and how he could meet them.
When I first read it, I couldn't really understand how the miracle related to being a homemaker and mothering.
Since having Joseph though, I can now see that the miracle does really relate to mothers at home. So many times over the last year I have complained to Steve, it seems like I need to get a lot of jobs done with only a small amount of time. I bet the disciples felt like this when they only had 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000 people with.
I have realised this past week that since Joseph's birth, I really haven't followed a mother rule like I was before he was born. I guess something new came into our lives and I just went into survival mode and doing what I could when I could.
Joseph was a pretty easy baby but he is very much a mummy's boy. He doesn't like to go to the other children while I am busy with other things. Since he started crawling, he isn't as demanding but still likes to be in my arms more than any other place. I suspect he will also be less demanding once he starts walking as well and once he has completely weaned.
It is time though for me to write up a mothers rule again. I need to reevaluate what God wants me to be doing through my day and what my priorities need to be.
This is one of the things I really love about our Catholic faith. It is only because it is lent and I have been making more effort to take the children to church and praying extra prayers that I had this realisation.
So over this weekend, I will be making a list of my priorities and writing up how I should be spending my day. I hope with a bit more organisation, I will be able to get everything done well.
When I first read it, I couldn't really understand how the miracle related to being a homemaker and mothering.
Since having Joseph though, I can now see that the miracle does really relate to mothers at home. So many times over the last year I have complained to Steve, it seems like I need to get a lot of jobs done with only a small amount of time. I bet the disciples felt like this when they only had 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000 people with.
I have realised this past week that since Joseph's birth, I really haven't followed a mother rule like I was before he was born. I guess something new came into our lives and I just went into survival mode and doing what I could when I could.
Joseph was a pretty easy baby but he is very much a mummy's boy. He doesn't like to go to the other children while I am busy with other things. Since he started crawling, he isn't as demanding but still likes to be in my arms more than any other place. I suspect he will also be less demanding once he starts walking as well and once he has completely weaned.
It is time though for me to write up a mothers rule again. I need to reevaluate what God wants me to be doing through my day and what my priorities need to be.
This is one of the things I really love about our Catholic faith. It is only because it is lent and I have been making more effort to take the children to church and praying extra prayers that I had this realisation.
So over this weekend, I will be making a list of my priorities and writing up how I should be spending my day. I hope with a bit more organisation, I will be able to get everything done well.
Baby Joseph update.
Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for life has succeeded in getting baby Joseph Maraachli a second chance. As I write this, baby Joseph is in Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Centre in St. Louis Mo. He will get a tracheotomy sometime this week. Read about it here.

Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for life has succeeded in getting baby Joseph Maraachli a second chance. As I write this, baby Joseph is in Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Centre in St. Louis Mo. He will get a tracheotomy sometime this week. Read about it here.
Outdoor entertaining.
Today was a public holiday in South Australia. It is Adelaide Cup day. Our friends the Mahers came to spend the afternoon with us.
We had a lovely bbq lunch inside since it was pretty hot outside but after Mass they came back and we had a lovely dinner outside. Fr. Paul our parish priest also joined us for tea.
It was a great night. Here are a few photos from it.

Our turtle pond (which is currently turtleless) and Jess in the corner. Our turtle has gone missing. Maybe a prayer to St. Anthony will find him.
We had a lovely bbq lunch inside since it was pretty hot outside but after Mass they came back and we had a lovely dinner outside. Fr. Paul our parish priest also joined us for tea.
It was a great night. Here are a few photos from it.
Our turtle pond (which is currently turtleless) and Jess in the corner. Our turtle has gone missing. Maybe a prayer to St. Anthony will find him.
7 Quick Takes.

Jen at Conversion Diary is the hostess for the 7 Quick Takes.
Pop over to see other Jens and other peoples quick takes.
Pump Malfunction.
For the last month or so, Tom's pump has been chewing batteries very quickly. A battery is suppose to last around a month and he was putting a new one in every 10 days. Last Tuesday, we put a new one in and later in the day it was saying battery flat. I rang medtronic and after trouble shooting his pump we discovered that he needed a new battery cover.
They said they would send a new cover. That night though Tom's bsl got way up into the 20's so we decided until the battery cover arrived to give him daily injections. This leads me to my number two for today.
Daily Injections.
Today was day 3 of daily injections for Tom and we got the battery cover. When it arrived, he asked me if he could just stay on daily injections.
I was a bit disappointed but know he needs to want to pump for it to be successful so agreed to it. I have pointed out to him the advantages of pumping but still he wants to do the daily injections.
This afternoon I spoke with his endocrinologist about it and we have worked out a daily dose for him.
She has sent me a chart which has worked out the insulin he would need with the carb intake and his bsl taken into consideration.
He will have 13 units of lantus each evening with tea. Novo rapid will be given at each main meal depending on his bsl and how many carbohydrates he is eating.
Well my new sewing machine is here but as of yet, I haven't had a chance to play with it. Maybe tonight I will do a few things since Daniel and Steve are watching some scary movie.
I want to finish Brigette's curtains and some overalls for Joseph this weekend.
Back Garden.
Steve has done a great job in the back yard. I took some photos today but they are all really blurry. Some child's finger prints are on it. I will take a few more tomorrow and put them up.
On Monday Joseph turned 13 months. He is still crawling around and not showing any interest in walking. He has lots of people that are willing to carry him so I don't think he sees any need to walk.
I don't think before I had children I realised just what a gift lent is to us. It is a time that we can re focus and see where our spiritual life has been lacking. Over the last couple of years especially I have seen this more in my life.
St. Joseph.
Next Saturday is the feast of St. Joseph. I posted a link to a novena in the Save Baby Joseph facebook group.
We will be doing this novena and praying especially to Joseph's patron over the next 9 days.
Pump Malfunction.
For the last month or so, Tom's pump has been chewing batteries very quickly. A battery is suppose to last around a month and he was putting a new one in every 10 days. Last Tuesday, we put a new one in and later in the day it was saying battery flat. I rang medtronic and after trouble shooting his pump we discovered that he needed a new battery cover.
They said they would send a new cover. That night though Tom's bsl got way up into the 20's so we decided until the battery cover arrived to give him daily injections. This leads me to my number two for today.
Daily Injections.
Today was day 3 of daily injections for Tom and we got the battery cover. When it arrived, he asked me if he could just stay on daily injections.
I was a bit disappointed but know he needs to want to pump for it to be successful so agreed to it. I have pointed out to him the advantages of pumping but still he wants to do the daily injections.
This afternoon I spoke with his endocrinologist about it and we have worked out a daily dose for him.
She has sent me a chart which has worked out the insulin he would need with the carb intake and his bsl taken into consideration.
He will have 13 units of lantus each evening with tea. Novo rapid will be given at each main meal depending on his bsl and how many carbohydrates he is eating.
Well my new sewing machine is here but as of yet, I haven't had a chance to play with it. Maybe tonight I will do a few things since Daniel and Steve are watching some scary movie.
I want to finish Brigette's curtains and some overalls for Joseph this weekend.
Back Garden.
Steve has done a great job in the back yard. I took some photos today but they are all really blurry. Some child's finger prints are on it. I will take a few more tomorrow and put them up.
On Monday Joseph turned 13 months. He is still crawling around and not showing any interest in walking. He has lots of people that are willing to carry him so I don't think he sees any need to walk.
I don't think before I had children I realised just what a gift lent is to us. It is a time that we can re focus and see where our spiritual life has been lacking. Over the last couple of years especially I have seen this more in my life.
St. Joseph.
Next Saturday is the feast of St. Joseph. I posted a link to a novena in the Save Baby Joseph facebook group.
We will be doing this novena and praying especially to Joseph's patron over the next 9 days.
The start of lent.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We have been preparing for lent for a few weeks now and have a list of things that we will give up.
The children and I (that do home school) have 10 different things that are small sacrifices. Each day we will pull one out of a box. That day we will offer that small sacrifice.
On the list is:
1) drink water only for a day.
2) Eat plain rice for lunch.
3) go without TV for a day.
4) Go without internet for a day.
5) go without a treat at snack time.
6) Say some extra prayers.
7) write a nice note to a member of the family that will make them feel good.
8) Write about your prayer and who/what you have been praying for.
9) Read about a saint.
10) Have no meat for a day.
Because there are 10 things and lent goes for 40 days we will do each thing 4 times. Each day when one is pulled out of the box, it will go into another box until we have pulled all ten.
For my own Lenten sacrifice, I have a list of things I must do each day before I get on computer. Hardly a day goes by that I miss getting on computer. There are some things that I really should do each day and neglect to because I spend too much time on here. If I put them before computer they will get done or I won't get on computer. I am not going to write here what the 4 things are but they are all things I should give priority too.
For some other Lenten sacrifices ideas,
Chez Ouiz has a really good one for the whole family.
Catholic Icing has a Lenten link up with 45 different links for different activities.
Catholic Icing also has the Lenten Calendar which I have saved for our computer.
Coleen is concentrating on prayer, fasting and alms giving.
The children and I (that do home school) have 10 different things that are small sacrifices. Each day we will pull one out of a box. That day we will offer that small sacrifice.
On the list is:
1) drink water only for a day.
2) Eat plain rice for lunch.
3) go without TV for a day.
4) Go without internet for a day.
5) go without a treat at snack time.
6) Say some extra prayers.
7) write a nice note to a member of the family that will make them feel good.
8) Write about your prayer and who/what you have been praying for.
9) Read about a saint.
10) Have no meat for a day.
Because there are 10 things and lent goes for 40 days we will do each thing 4 times. Each day when one is pulled out of the box, it will go into another box until we have pulled all ten.
For my own Lenten sacrifice, I have a list of things I must do each day before I get on computer. Hardly a day goes by that I miss getting on computer. There are some things that I really should do each day and neglect to because I spend too much time on here. If I put them before computer they will get done or I won't get on computer. I am not going to write here what the 4 things are but they are all things I should give priority too.
For some other Lenten sacrifices ideas,
Chez Ouiz has a really good one for the whole family.
Catholic Icing has a Lenten link up with 45 different links for different activities.
Catholic Icing also has the Lenten Calendar which I have saved for our computer.
Coleen is concentrating on prayer, fasting and alms giving.
Baby Joseph

In Canada is a baby called Joseph who is the same age as our baby Joseph.
Joseph in Canada has an illness that he will die from. If he was given a tracheotomy, he could go home to die. The doctors in Canada do not want to give baby Joseph the operation though. They simply want to withdraw his breathing tube and let him die in the hospital.
As Alex Schadenberg states, this is not about Euthanasia. Removing the breathing tube is not going to cause Joseph's death. The condition he has will.
This is also not about futile care. A tracheotomy is not burdensome, futile or extra-ordinary care for a baby with this condition. It is something he needs to breath on his own.
It is about parents choosing the treatment for their child over a hospital/doctor.
This could really affect all of us. This could result in anyone being denied any treatment that any doctor decides against. It only takes one precedence for things like this to happen.
Today Fr. Frank Pavone asked people to sign
Please go and sign the petition and also pray for the Maraachi family.
There is also a facebook page that you can join to support Baby Joseph here.
Bucket List.
I was emailed this a while ago from a friend and kept it to put here one day when I couldn't think of anything to write.
All the bold things are the things I have done.
shot a gun
gone on a blind date
Skipped school
watched someone die
Visited Canada
Visited Hawaii
Visited Cuba
Visited Europe
Visited South America
Visited Las Vegas
Visited Mexico
Visited Florida
Seen the Grand Canyon
Flown on a plane
Served on a Jury
Been lost
Traveled to the opposite side of the country
Visited Washington, DC
Swam in the Ocean
Cried yourself to sleep.
Played Cops and Robbers
Played Cowboys and Indians
Recently coloured with crayons
Sang Karaoke
Paid for a meal with coins only
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Had children
Had a pet
Been skinny-dipping outdoors
Been fishing
Been boating
Been Water Skiing
Been Downhill Skiing
Been Hiking
Been camping in a trailer/RV
Been camping in a tent
Flown in a small 4-seater airplane
Flown in a glider
Flown in a helicopter
Flown in a hot air balloon
Walked on a glacier
Driven a Motorcycle
Been bungee-jumping
Gone to a drive-in movie
Done something that could have killed you?
Done something that you will regret for the rest of your life.
Visited Africa
Rode an elephant
Eaten just cookies or cake for dinner
Been on T.V.
Steal any traffic signs
Been in a car accident
Donated blood
Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane
Ran in a Marathon
Went Curling
Anyone else want to put this on their blog? Leave me a comment so that I can see your list. I will add a link to you too.
Katie has her bucket list here.
Maria has her bucket list here.
Adoro has her bucket list here.
Owen has his list up here.
All the bold things are the things I have done.
shot a gun
gone on a blind date
Skipped school
watched someone die
Visited Canada
Visited Hawaii
Visited Cuba
Visited Europe
Visited South America
Visited Las Vegas
Visited Mexico
Visited Florida
Seen the Grand Canyon
Flown on a plane
Served on a Jury
Been lost
Traveled to the opposite side of the country
Visited Washington, DC
Swam in the Ocean
Cried yourself to sleep.
Played Cops and Robbers
Played Cowboys and Indians
Recently coloured with crayons
Sang Karaoke
Paid for a meal with coins only
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Had children
Had a pet
Been skinny-dipping outdoors
Been fishing
Been boating
Been Water Skiing
Been Downhill Skiing
Been Hiking
Been camping in a trailer/RV
Been camping in a tent
Flown in a small 4-seater airplane
Flown in a glider
Flown in a helicopter
Flown in a hot air balloon
Walked on a glacier
Driven a Motorcycle
Been bungee-jumping
Gone to a drive-in movie
Done something that could have killed you?
Done something that you will regret for the rest of your life.
Visited Africa
Rode an elephant
Eaten just cookies or cake for dinner
Been on T.V.
Steal any traffic signs
Been in a car accident
Donated blood
Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane
Ran in a Marathon
Went Curling
Anyone else want to put this on their blog? Leave me a comment so that I can see your list. I will add a link to you too.
Katie has her bucket list here.
Maria has her bucket list here.
Adoro has her bucket list here.
Owen has his list up here.
Some updates from my children.
Today Tom and Amelia did some posts on their blogs. It has been quite a while since they both updated them.
Here is Amelia's update about her friends party this weekend.
Here is Tom's update about our family.
Here is Amelia's update about her friends party this weekend.
Here is Tom's update about our family.
photos of the back yard.
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