That's Some Good Advice.

"Don't use the Dust Buster to clean the fry station"


A Few Things About This Week.

~ Happy (better late than never) Thanksgiving!

~ Herman got home from his 2.5 week trip to Thailand & China. He brought me another pair of fake (and thus cheap) Chuck Taylors. Mine have the Union Jack on them. Yay!

~I took two (2!!!) days off. I didn't do a single bit of school work. It stressed me out, but only a bit.

~ Because I took some time off, I was able to spend some time with my husband. Lunch. Movie. The perfect kind of hang out time.

~ We woke up to about 3 inches of snow on Thanksgiving morning. Some of it is still here.

~ We spent Thanksgiving day with Jervis and Michelle, and some friends we've made here in Providence: Jessie, Tiffany, and Brenna.

~ We went out for a lobster dinner. I ate lobster for the first time. I stuck it in my mouth, chewed once, then swallowed it whole. I did not like it.

~ I got a new hat. Because it's fricken' cold here, and I've gone completely soft after living in places like CA and FL.

So I'm not a huge country music fan. OK, I'm not a country music fan, really, at all - except for Johnny Cash. You gotta love Johnny Cash.

Last night a few of my friends and I went to see "Walk the Line". I was afraid that I'd built it up in my head to be this great movie...and then I'd be disappointed. I wasn't. At all. It was brilliant. And Joaquin Phoenix (pronounced "Wa-keen" not "jaw-quin". If you pronounce it like that, I'm just going to have to laugh at you) as Johnny Cash - fantastic.

As a side note, can I tell you how much I love this movie poster? I love that the designer achieved such a powerful statement with such a simple image and hardly no text. Beautiful.

Apartment Life.

I hate our apartment and I want to move. Now.

Thing #1. Our downstairs neighbor. While he very well might be a very nice man, he is also one of the most inconsiderate. Case in point - our apartment doors close by themselves, which is always a nice feature, but if you do, if fact, take advantage of said feature and let it close by itself, it will slam shut. I'm talking a literal "shake the walls" loud slam.

He always lets his door slam. And not just during the day. At 2.30 in the morning. And again, at 5.30 or 6.00 in the morning. He does this multiple times in a 24 hour period, and I swear, it does not take much more energy to gently push the door shut behind you.

But, oh, thing #2. Thing #2 makes me to leave. Now.

So I took a shower this morning, like most people do (you know, to freshen up and all), and after getting out of the shower was blow drying my hair. I thought I heard something at the door, so I shut the blowdryer off, listened for a moment, then turned it back on.

All of a sudden, I hear keys in my door.

Before I go any further (and I'm sorry if this is too much info), let me just say that I normally am just in my underthings when I'm blowdrying my hair, today was no exception, and that my husband is currently out of town. Which leaves me in our apartment, alone. ALONE (well, except for the watchdog/cat).

So I put the blowdryer down and slowly walk the 6 feet to our door. At this point I'm thinking that someone is drunk (at 9.30 am) and just at the wrong apartment. Then, when I'm 2 feet away from the door - IT STARTS TO OPEN. So I lunge at it, frantically trying to close it and lock it while asking who's there.

Turns out it was the maintence man (who I didn't let in until I was, um, properly attired) who said that we were leaking into the apartment below us.

I swear I thought I was going to throw up. This coming from a person who always has to have 5 or 6 escape plans when she's home alone. I was so frightened. I mean, I had just gotten out of the shower! What if he'd come while I was showering?

Fast forward to now, 4.20 pm. I walked from class straight to the office to talk to them about it. The guy who I talked to was a total jackass. I completely understand that there are emergency situations when they need to enter an apartment unannounced, but the guy told me that our downstairs neighbor had phoned in the leak last night. And that it wasn't actually leaking this morning.

I guess I was just looking to say, hey, I understand emergencies, etc., but I no longer feel safe alone in my apartment, and can you, Mr. Jackass understand that? A bit of empathy maybe. Am I crazy?

Oh, and I'm going to Home Depot tonight to buy some sort of locking device for when I'm home alone...

As Promised...A Long, Long Time Ago.

Yeah, I finally got my photograms scanned, if you're interested, here they are.

In other unrelated news (shock! I'm not going to talk about school! I'm going to talk about....well....the cat), my cat recently fell out of his cat tree*. It was the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. I laughed out loud.

*His cat tree is this god-awful, carpet colored, 6 feet tall thing that sits in the corner of the living room. He loves it like it was a drug (which, I guess it could be, seeing as it's "treated" with catnip), which explains why he rolls around on the top of it...thus causing him to roll off in his cat-tree-loving-frenzy.

Benefit Street

We live about 3/4 mile away from campus, so this is what I see on my daily walk: Benefit Street. Known as one of the most historic streets in Providence, and as the 3rd most haunted street in America. Now, I know that a house built in 1773 is not so impressive in other parts of the world, for instance, Old England...or China...but after being raised in the New West, it's pretty cool to live in a place with such amazing history. And haunted houses (and speaking of haunted, supposedly, RISD is full of ghosts...).

I was going to talk more about how much I love fall, how I love walking through the piles of leaves on my way to class, how amazing beautiful New England is...

But then I had to walk home in the rain. And all of those wonderful piles of leaves are now piles of mush.

But I still love fall...

The Thing That's Been Keeping Me Busy. of them anyway.

This is my color book - for my color class, of course. The goal was to show the positive and negative aspects of each of the 12 main colors (the primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries). I decided to do the past 12 decades. So each decade was assigned a color based on what that color usually conveys. For example, I chose yellow for the 1960's because yellow can convey danger (Vietnam, JFK & MLK assasinations) or it can convey idealism (man walking on the moon, etc.). I then chose a typeface that would show the art movements of each decade - the font used for the 1940's perfectly alludes to the war posters of that decade, etc. The negative things were then placed on the black side, the postive on the white. I decided to only do one bad and good thing per decade on the front pages, but then included an insert that further detailed what went on in those decades.

It's a glorified time line really. Functional, educational, and pretty (hopefully).

But do you really care about all those details? If you made it through that horrific're my hero.

This thing took forever to print, and we had to make 2 - one for us, one for our professor. I guess RISD's Graphic Design dept is known for their propensity to have us make books. In color, we have to do this book, plus a process book detailing all of our assignments and what we learned. In Type, we have the alpabet book project. In Form and Communication, we're learning about different book binding.

It's great fun really.

More Miscellany.

Sad? Or very, very cool?

I just hit 2414 songs on my iPod (that over 7 days of music....nice...), so to celebrate I'm doing another music recommendation. But also because I've been busy lately. Like working non-stop, 14+ hour days, barely getting my projects done, kind of busy. Which, while we're on the subject, you don't have to trust any of my recommendations because I really don't know what I'm talking about. I just know what I like and I pass it on to you.

First up, Ringside, made up of duo Scott Thomas and Balthazar Getty (yes, that Balthazar Getty, currently stirring it up on Alias). Sort of a dance/alternative sound. If you check out their website, it'll stream some songs. But the one you'll want to check out is "Struggle". You'll have to find your own way on that though (iTunes, etc).

Basically, it's pretty fun music that makes me want to dance. Well, not really. OK. I danced. Just a little. But you don't get to see that.

Speaking of bands that make me want to dance (and you too, I'd assume), Hot Hot Heat is high on the list. If you like the Killers (and come on, who doesn't?) I can almost guarantee that you'll like Hot Hot Heat. Besides great music and causing this introvert to dance unabashedly in her living room, they also make me happy because the frontman, Steve Bays vaguely reminds me of my little brother*, Benji. Well, Benji with a lot of curly hair.


*I don't actually have a little brother. But Benji's the next best thing. I've known him his whole life...and our grandparents have been good friends since they were teenagers. Gotta love those roots.